Here is what to do next...
It seems that although we are receiving and answering your messages daily, for some reason some of you are not able to see our replies?
Typically you should expect an email back from us within 24 hours, so if you have sent an email and have not heard back within this time please follow the steps below.
Try sending your email directly from your domain provider i.e. Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, AOL, etc instead of one of our contact forms on our website to,
"If you did not use one of our contact forms try,
please try sending us the email from a different email address".
"If you do not have a 2nd email address available",
Messaging us on one of our Social media accounts:
If you have tried all the above and still have not heard back within 24 hours, please call this number:
"We are sorry but we may not answer due to lack of staff during COVID-19".
If you do not get through send a text message to this number:
We will not answer calls on the mobile but we will respond to text messages.
"We are working hard to fix this issue and apologise for any inconvenience".
The Scarlett Rose Team